Monday, June 28, 2010

Building the BIG MO'

momentum.jpgA few years ago I hear Dave Ramsey give a formula building momentum. Here's his momentum theorem: Fi/T(G) = M (Focused intensity, over time, multiplied by God, equals unstoppable momentum). This theorem can be applied to a wide variety of situations such as church, small groups, money management, school, etc. It has become my hallmark and calling card for this summer. I have always been the type of person to work hard and play hard. I give my all to anything I do. My library can attest to that statement.

As a church we will do two sermon series FAQ and Now Playing to help build some of this momentum. (see previous post for a brief explanation of these two series) These two series will help us to launch into a church-wide series based on Tim Keller's sermons and book The Prodigal God. We're going to pass out door hangers for all of these series. Our hope is that these door hangers will get the momentum rolling for the summer and last into the fall.

We've already seen some results of our work. This past Sunday we had a young man come to church by himself as a result of the door hangers. He is 18 years old and just graduated high school last week. Here's the cool part. He's going to join the Navy in a few weeks. He wanted to get some answers to his questions about God. He saw the door hanger and came to the service. During the service he got his questions answered. He's looking forward to checking out the rest of the series as we continue to ask and answer questions. Here's the best part for me. I get to hang out with him before he leaves. Imagine the impact he can have on his bootcamp company with a relationship with Jesus Christ in hand. Young believers are a force in and of themselves. I can't wait to hook up with him.

He's only one spark of momentum I'm envisioning for our immediate future. God is already working in the lives of our leaders. I'll tell you about that in another post.

What do you think about the momentum theorem? Is there something you would add? Is there something you would take away? How do you plan on building momentum for your organization, life, finances, or family?

CRV Prayer Newsletter

Hello Prayer Partners,
It’s Summertime! The weather is H-O-T...HOT in Virginia Beach. I don’t ever remembering it being this hot, this early. The kiddos are out of school and I’m still enjoying the weather though. We celebrated the graduation of our 5th graders a week or so ago. It was great to see them moving on up to middle school! There was a Holy Spirit buzz in the air. I’m so proud of all of them, especially my son, Alex! The celebration was great but now this leaves a small void in our 226 Street ministry. The cupboard is bare. Time to refill it!

I was told by a friend yesterday that I’m already getting darker. I guess that’s what happens when you spend a lot of time at the local park and hanging door hangers.

Speaking of door hangers. We have a goal of 10K door hangers for the Summer. So far we’ve gotten about 3K passed out...only 7K more to go. Our door hangers are used for inviting the community to our Summer teaching series. We’re doing a series about questions we ask God (FAQ) and a Summer movie series (Now Playing). In the Fall, we’ll launch a church-wide campaign called Prodigal God. It’s using the story of the prodigal son to show us how we’re supposed to respond to God. We’ll pass out 5K door hangers for the Fall series.
Our two Summer series are designed to build momentum for the Prodigal God series. The Fall campaign will include all Life Groups studying the same curriculum. We believe there is immense spiritual power when a church moves in one, focused direction. These are exciting times for me as a church leader. We’ve already had a young man (18 year old...graduated high school last week) check out our FAQ series. It was great. The series has already answered some of his questions. He’s going into the Navy in August but I’m going to try and spend some time with him before he leaves. WOW! He’s the perfect example of why I do what I do!

We’re also looking at different outreaches for the summer. This will help us to connect with people who don’t go to church as well.

Over the past month I have been rolling out our Purpose/Vision statement. You can see our new/revamped purpose/vision at the top. It focuses on four words: Multicultural, Encounter, Connect, and Serve. That’s what our church is all about. This simplified statement will be the driving force behind everything we do from here on out!
Most people think the Summer is a time to relax and get rest. I think we can rest but it’s also a time to make a BIG push for the Fall. That’s what we’re doing as a church. We’re making a BIG push for the Fall because the church exists to love and serve our community. If I have to sacrifice some rest to serve our community then so be it. But don’t get it twisted. As a family we’re still going to take vacations and do some mini-trips. I’m just going to work my butt off when I’m not on vacation!

That’s about it for now! Thank you for your faithfulness!

So please continue to pray for the following requests:
-Protection for our family (immediate and extended)
-Isaiah wants his pinkie to be healed
-Katherine has an intense 5 week class starting (6/28)
-André wants to have tons of fun and enjoy his time with family
-Ideas for attracting more families with children
-Implement ideas for attracting the families above
-For God to show us where he’s working in the neighborhoods and for them to get invited
-Continue to grow 226 Street volunteers (children’s ministry)
-100% of adults and youth in a Life Group for the Prodigal God
-Open doors in Salem and Green Run for the gospel
-Finances for outreaches and operating budget; giving has slowed down … pray that it picks back up
-Ideas for outreaches
-My (André) personal growth and reading plan
-Goals are formed for the next we need prayer for plans to execute these goals
-Our #1 priority: Evangelism (telling people about Jesus)
-Our #1 priority: Discipleship (learning from Jesus)
-We’d like to have creative ideas for an intermediate step for people to check out the church without coming to a service
-Implement these creative ideas
-Build momentum during the Summer months
-FAQ series
-Now Playing series
-The Prodigal God series

See you in a few months!
The Jenkins Family