Friday, July 25, 2008

The Tyranny of Busyness

It has a few weeks since my last post. The tyranny of busyness has held me hostage again. I really need to work hard to make sure I break free and stay free. One of the ways to do this is through scheduling my time with the important things in my life. My family and I spent a week in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. It was a great week for us as a family. We were able to take a brief vacation, see some of the sites in Philadelphia, and spend some time together as a family. The speakers were great as usual. Rich Nathan, Lead Pastor of the Columbus Vineyard, did a phenomenal job speaking towards engaging our communities for Christ. I want this to be one of the hallmarks of our church.

What do you want your church to be known for? I think about this question a lot. I want Crossroads Vineyard to be known for a few things. One of which is being active in our community. I always wanted to be part of a church that did something in the community. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant or huge or anything like that. I just want a church that does something, anything in the community. When a church is active in the community it is putting the words of the Bible into action. Above all, I want Crossroads Vineyard to be known as a church that knows, understands, and lives out the Bible. I want our church to live out the faith we profess on Sunday throughout the week as well.

Until next time…

Crossroads Vineyard Church

1 comment:

  1. those are good things to want and I think every Christian - pastor or not - should desire of their church.
