So, how goes the war? This is a common question I want to ask fellow church planters and pastors. Unfortunately, I don't ask it because I feel that it may be taken out of context and I will have to explain what I mean by the question. So here's what I mean by that question.
The Bible is pretty clear that we're in a war. This war has been going on since sin entered our world. God said that there would be conflict between the woman's and serpent's offspring. Scholars also consider the ten plagues against the Egyptians to be God's attack on their false gods. Job experienced an attack on his faith. The angel Michael reported that he was being held up by the 'dark side.' Jesus entered our world and did battle with disease, sin, death, and demons. Paul talks about spiritual battles. John in Revelation speaks of a final war. There seems to be an overarching theme of war in the Bible.
By asking, how goes the war? I'm asking, are you winning or are you losing spiritual war that is going on around us all the time? Are you advancing the kingdom of God into the dark places of your city and community? Are you pushing back the gates of hell in your city? Are people experiencing life change through meeting corporately on Sunday and throughout the week in Life Group? Are you seeing people healed spiritually, physically, and emotionally?
Let's get personal. Are you winning the war with your mind (pornography and other sexually explicit material)? Are you winning the war with your mouth? (or are you letting your words fly without much thought about the consequences.)
So, how goes the war? Are you winning or losing? If you feel like you losing then remember that you're on the winning team. Don't ever forget this! Also...let me know how I can pray for you!! We're in this war together. I GOT YOUR BACK!!
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