In God We Trust
I really wish this were true. You may think that I'm going to talk about the state of our society in America in reference to this statement. You may think I'm going to talk about keeping this statement on our coins. However, I'm not going to talk about either of these things. Instead of looking outward on this statement let's look inward.Let's start by changing the statement to 'In God I Trust.' Then let's ask the following question: Is this REALLY true in my life? When I take away the lip
service and the cool (not really that cool), catchy (not really that catchy) but highly overused (this is definitely true) Christian slogans, what is left? Are the slogans merely something that's printed on the front of my T-shirt? Or is it actually a part of my life? Are the slogans merely words to play Buzz Word Bingo so I can impress my friends at church? Or do I really living these slogans out?I love asking myself questions like these. Questions like these, when answered honestly, can help me to grow by leaps and bounds. Answering them dishonestly really limits my opportunity for growth. I have come to the conclusion that I don't trust God very much. This is evident by my actions, not my words. I may sing songs about trusting God and talk to my friends about trusting God but the true evidence is found in my actions.Over the past few years, my trust in the Lord has been tested by the fires of starting a new church. About 6 months after going to weekly services in September '08, I lost my 'other' job. This was the job that helped to pay the bills and take care of my family. It allowed the church to have 0 on the payroll. This job represented my way to
take care of myself and my family. That's not a bad thing unless I begin to rely on myself and not God. After losing my job, I felt like I was placing too much trust in myself and not enough in God. This job also helped us to build up some savings. Now, I find it a little hard to touch those savings. Recently, I discussed this with God and got that feeling that I'm back to relying on the savings instead of Him.So, it seems that I need to start taking risks again. NO RISK...NO REWARD!! (This is better slogan!)
Its time to start placing my trust in the ONE and not myself. Risks always require faith. More importantly, risks always require trust. My trust won't grow unless I take more risks.
What are your thoughts about the questions above? How do you measure up on the trusttest? In what ways are you being asked to trust more? In what areas of your life do you need to build up more trust?
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