Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just Like Jesus

I am determined to emulate the ministry of Christ.
-John Jackson

A noble goal for any Christ follower is to model your life and ministry after the life and ministry of Jesus. Personally, I want to live a life that screams of Jesus. I also want to lead and minister in the same ways as Jesus. I'm finding that leading and ministering like Jesus is easy in some areas but difficult in other.

It's easy to lead like Jesus when the people are coming to me. However, going out to get or find them is a totally different story. Especially, when it comes to mentoring leaders. I really want to mentor in a way that's natural, life giving, and above all experiential. Experience is the best teacher.

Jesus' mentoring 'program' was experiential. He gathered his tiny band of followers one by one or two by two. He told them to follow and they did. His mentoring included eating together, traveling together, sleeping together, teaching together, healing together, baptizing together, etc. etc. etc. By now I hope you get my point. They did everything together. Jesus' mentoring was come, follow me, and do the things that I do. As a leader, I want to mentor in this simple way too.

I'm fortunate enough to write this post from London while on a trip with one of my mentors. So far we've eaten together, taught together, and traveled together. We sleep in the same general vicinity but I hesitate to say we sleep together. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. But if they do, then they do. He has decided to model his mentoring after Jesus' mentoring. After all, isn't his way to mentor the best way to mentor?

Who are you mentoring? Who has mentored you? Why is come, follow me, and to what I do the best way to mentor others? What can you do to mentor more like Jesus? What can you do to get mentored like the disciples?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andre! Just wanted to stop in and say hello, the site is being maintained well! Hope everything has been on the up and up with your church & community!
